
Welcome to the Queen Eleanor Cycle Ride
(22-25 August 2025)

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Are you a regular cyclist, who’s looking for a bit of a challenge, a fun bank holiday weekend, a touch of history, and an opportunity to raise money for a very worthy cause, all rolled into one? If so, look no further - the Queen Eleanor Cycle Ride (QECR) is the place for you!

The QECR is a 4-day sponsored cycle ride, which takes place over the August Bank Holiday weekend every year. The 200-mile route follows quiet roads through glorious countryside from Harby, near Lincoln, to London, and links the locations of the 12 Queen Eleanor Crosses, which Edward 1 built in memory of his wife Eleanor of Castile, after she died in Harby in 1290. You can read more about the route here and if you want to know more about the historical background, it’s here.
The QECR is organised by the Friends of the Connection at St Martin’s, and its ultimate purpose is to raise funds to support the work of the Connection at St Martin-in-the-Fields, a fantastic organisation based just off Trafalgar Square which last year supported over a thousand people to leave homelessness behind in London. Their aim is to get to know people, building lasting relationships as they move on to brighter futures. They believe no one should have to sleep rough on London’s streets, and that everyone should get the support they need to find a place to call home. You can read more about the Connection and its work here. There is no required sponsorship target, but in recent years the average raised by each cyclist has been between £500 and £1,000, and some raise much more. Our 2024 Ride raised just under £22,000.

There are usually between 15 and 30 cyclists, and we cycle in smaller groups (matching cyclists with comparable average speeds). In recent years, the age range has been from 16 to over 70 (16/17 year olds will need to be accompanied by a responsible adult). We sleep in churches and church halls, all our meals are provided, mostly by generous local hosts who welcome us back year after year, and we have a support team in vehicles which carry our luggage and who provide emergency assistance whenever needed. If you want more details, check our FAQs here.
So what are you waiting for? You will find more details about Taking part and how to register here. If you want to talk to someone about the QECR, please email queeneleanorcycle@gmail.com